Saturday, October 26, 2024

Creating liberating content

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Video: Cemas.. Bom Hidup Terlekat Di Muka Tentera

SEORANG tentera Colombia berhadapan dengan detik paling cemas dalam hidupnya apabila sebuah bom hidup terlekat pada wajahnya, beberapa hari lalu.

Ekoran itu, sekumpulan pakar bedah terpaksa melakukan satu operasi pembedahan segera yang dijalankan di kawasan tempat letak kereta di sebuah hospital di bandar Bogota.


Pic shows: One moment of the surgery. Colombian Military doctors carried out a risky operation to remove a grenade, which could have exploded at any moment, from the face of a soldier. The dangerous medical procedure took place outside the Military Hospital in the capital city Bogota. In fact it was carried out in the car park of the facility where a temporary operating theatre was set up, to keep the rest of the hospital out of harmƃʒƂĀ­s way. The chief of surgery, William Sanchez said: "It was a decisive moment, logically one of stress and uncertainty, but there was no other option but to push on to save the life of the patient, even praying and asking God not to let a bigger tragedy happen." The surgeon described how the team carried out the operation with the upmost care, not only to save the life of the patient, but to preserve their own, seeing as the explosive could have gone off at any time. He said: "We now have an established protocol. We logically did it outside the hospital, because if it were to activate it needs to be somewhere it will have the least impact." The solider, Luis Eduardo Perez Arango, works for the eighth division of the Arauca Army, he is now out of danger and remains in recovery under strict medical observation. How the grenade became lodged in his face is still under investigation, however some reports signal that the misuse of a heavy fire weapon resulted in the explosive accidentally hitting the officer and becoming wedged. (ends)


Operasi pembedahan itu dilaporkan berlaku dalam keadaan tertekan dan cemas kerana dikhuatiri bom itu meletup pada bila-bila masa sekali gus boleh mencederakan pesakit lain.

Namun, tentera berkenaan, Luisƃā€šĆ‚Ā Eduardo Perez Arango bernasib baik apabila bom hidup itu berjaya dikeluarkan seterusnya terselamat dari malapetaka ngeri tersebut.

Difahamkan, insiden itu berpunca daripada seseorang yang secara tidak sengaja telah melancarkan bom tersebut lalu melekat pada tengkorak muka tentera berkenaan.

Dalam pada itu, ketua operasi pembedahan,ƃā€šĆ‚Ā William Sanchez berluahkan rasa syukur apabila bom itu berjaya dikeluarkan.

“Ianya saat yang sangat getir, tapi tak ada pilihan lain selain mencuba untuk menyelamatkan nyawa pesakit, termasuk berdoa kepada tuhan supaya tiada tragedi yang berlaku,” katanya.

Walaupun Perez Arango sudah melepasi zon kritikalnya, doktor masih lagi mengawasinya. – MYNEWSHUB.CC


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